Tuesday, 31 July 2007

Water water everywhere!

In Room 3 we are trying to drink heaps more water during the day.
Water makes your brain get going, Harold from Life Education calls it “Brain Juice” – we like this name for water!
We think water is better for us than juice or fizzy because it has no sugar in it and it stops us from feeling tired!
We are keeping our bottles in the classroom where we can drink from them whenever we need to.

Ryan, Lekeisha, Andrew, Sammy and Katelyn made some signs for us to remind us to drink water.

Sunday, 29 July 2007

Rubbish, rubbish everywhere!

Look at all the rubbish we make in one day!

We saved up our rubbish from lunchtime. We put it on some newspaper in the middle of our circle.

We sorted it into groups. we got groups of gladwrap, foodscraps, plastic wrappers, yoghurt pottles and lids and paper rubbish.

Seeing all this rubbish made us feel disapointed, sick, sad, stinky, yucky, surprised and even disgusted!

We were really surprised at how much gladwrap and food scraps there were so we are going to put our green thinking hats on (de Bono's 6 Thinking Hats) and see if we can find out how to cut down on our rubbish or perhaps use it in any other ways. Jeannie thought we could find out about worm farms becasue they need food scraps! That is this week mission!

Tuesday, 17 July 2007

First day back!

We were very excited to get back to school today! We love seeing our firnds and hearing each others stories! Storm wanted to see if the room was changed around this term - but no, sorry Storm - still the same...a few more desks though...and that's because....

We have 4 new gorgeous people in Room 3. The lads, Andrew, Sam, Jacob and Damian have comethrough form Room 2 to join us. Welcome boys and we hope you enjoy your time here with us!