Thursday, 20 December 2007

Jeannie's Christmas Poem

C Christmas carols make my day,

H Holly and mistletoe in Christmas, gay.

R Reindeer flight and Christmas lights,

I I really like the way they shine.

S Santa’s presents and Christmas cake, figgy pudding and Christmas steak.

T Trees and tinsel, toys and roasts.

M Musical melodies, joy and hope.

A Anzac biscuits and oven make cookies.

S South pole Christmas and what a feast!

Wednesday, 19 December 2007

We Love Pixie Town!

We went to Pixie Town at the Early Settlers Museum. The Pixies were really old. Some of our Mums and Dads could remember looking at them when they were kids!

Some of the Pixies moved. They had big feet and looked a bit funny!

The boys got to ride on the sleigh. Miss Little liked Regan's big cheesy grin!

We made cards and wrote a message to Santa. We even got to post the cards to him in a special letter box. we really hope he can write back to us.

There were some cool dress ups there as well. You could dress up as elves or reindeer or even Santa!

Miss Little got a big cuddle from one of Santa's special helpers!