Friday, 28 September 2007
Happy Holidays Room 3!
Make sure you check out our map - we are getting very close to our 1000 views and there are red dots from all over the world - I wonder if you can find out where some of the new ones are from?
I am off to Auckland tomorrow for one whole week! I am very excited about seeing some old friends and also going to a big conference to learn all about new cool things we can do in the classroom with our computers and cameras!
Take care everyone and I am looking forward to hearing all your tales when we get back to school!
Lots of love
Miss Little
Friday, 21 September 2007
Our Worm Farm
We found a sheltered place to put the worm farm. We had two old tyres, corrugated iron and some blocks of wood.
The bedding is now ready for the worms to snuggle up in.
We put a container beside the worm farm for the worm wee to go in. Worm wee is great for plants.
Now it is time for the worms.
There looked like there were hundreds of worms. They felt slimy and slithery.
Some people picked up the worms. They gently put them on the bedding.
A kereru came to visit us while we were making our farm. Miss Little thought it was good luck – Connor thought it wanted to eat some worms!
Finally we have finished our worm farm. We feel really excited about looking after it. Now all we need are some food scraps.
Funky Eye Friday!!
Monday, 17 September 2007
Our big rubbish clean up!
We had 3 rubbish bags which we filled up with the rubbish we found.
We then went for a big walk round the school. We looked in the flax bushes and along the fence line....
...along the tennis court.......
...and in the bushes.
We found lots of rubbish in here. There were chippie packets, yoghurt pottles, plastic bags, bar wrappers, plastic bottles - so much!
Sometimes we had to look really hard for little bits of rubbish hiding in the ground.