On Friday we had our Pet Day.
There were dogs, cats, a lamb, rabbits and soft toys! Riley Bell was going to bring his pet snail but it died!
We played some games while the pets were being judged!
PS If Uncle Jason and Duncan and Angus are looking at this from Vancouver - you HAVE to leave us a message!!!!
Hi Room 3
Isn't Chewy gorgeous.The photo of her looks as though she has a HUGE smile on her face. Did she enjoy herself?
No, am not an Uncle - but love the photos of you all jumping around playing your games!
Heather - Chewy is a male! Chewy did some tricks for us like rolly pollies and shaking hands and staying and coming. We think chewy had a great time!
from Room 3
Thanks for leaving us messages Heather!
Hello Branford Three from Uncle Jason, Duncan, and Angus.
We live in North Vancouver, Canada, and we think your blog is AMAZING. You guys have some much fun at school, and do such interesting things. Do you have any time to do the boring stuff as well?
Miss Little seems to be quite the awesome teacher. We can’t wait to see what great stuff she is going to do with you next!
Duncan is in grade 4, and Angus is in grade 2 at Brockton School, which is in Lynn Valley, North Vancouver. Can you find Vancouver on a map? You can check out our school website at www.brocktonschool.com.
It is almost winter here, and we have already had some snow. Last weekend we got 10cm of snow at our house and we had a BIG snowball fight, and went sledding on the road. Then two days later we got 10cm of rain, which washed away all the snow.
Have a very merry Christmas Bradford Three, and enjoy your summer holidays. We will keep checking your blog.
Uncle Jason, Duncan, & Angus
Hi Room 3
Thanks for setting me straight about Chewy being a male!!
This will probably be my last comment to you before you finish school for the year. Make sure you all have a fun-filled summer holiday.
I know Miss Little will!!!
Miss Little told me you've all
been 'little angels' this year so Santa will know that as well. Hopefully 'the jolly, big red fella' will leave you with the prezzies that you've wished for. Don't forget to leave some chocolate biscuits out for him on Christmas Eve ... and a bucket of water for those thirsty reindeer. MMmmm, maybe a carrot or two as well!
I've really enjoyed reading your blog this year and seeing all the fun learning you've done with Miss Little. You are SO lucky to have had such an awesome teacher.
Have a happy Christmas. Keep safe.
Love Heather xx
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