Friday, 22 August 2008

Our Natty Narratives!!

We are writing up a storm in Room 3!  We looked at some pictures  and used our imaginations to think up what might have happened and what might happen next!  We planned our stories, making sure there was a beginning, middle and end.

Here are some of our masterpeices!

 The firemen saved the day.

 Once upon a time there lived an old lady and a cat in a house.

One night the old lady was in bed.  The candle fell over because the cat jumped up on the duchess and the candle fell over. 

The candle fell on the ground and that’s how the fire started. 

The old lady ran to the phone.  The old lady rang the fire people.  The fire people came to help the old lady.

The cat died because it was near the candle.  They squirted water on the house and got her out.

The old lady was very sad.

 By Natasha

The fire.

 A lady at a house lit a candle and the flame got bigger and bigger and bigger.  Fire men came to rescue the lady.

By Sarah

The Fire

The lady saw a fire in her house.  The candle had dropped in her house.  The lady was trapped in the house.  The firemen came to save her.

 By Bethany

The star in the sky at night.

 Reyana, Bella and Miriana were at a house.   A star came alive.  Another star came alive and sang a song.  The kids were scared of the star.  They got their Mum and they told their Mum to sing it a song.  The star went back to sleep.

 By Reyana

The Forest

 Reyana, Jack and Lynley  were walking along in the forest.  A witch came along and stole Lynley’s treasure.    The asked the wizard to use his wand.  They did a spell to get the treasure back from the witch.  Reyana and Jack got the treasure from the witch.

By Lynley 

Friday, 15 August 2008

Book of the Week

Aliens Love Underpants by Claire Freedman


This story is about some aliens who came down from outerspace.  The aliens loved to 

have races in people’s underpants.

We felt excited and we felt wicked when it got read to our class.

The people and you must be careful of your underpants. There might be an alien in your underpants! 

You should read this book if you like aliens or underpants!


by Blain and Katelyn

Friday, 8 August 2008

Dress Up day for Book Week

This week was Bradford School's Book Week.  We had lots of fun events happening.
Everyday a special person read to the whole school.  On Tuesday night we had fish and chip night.  On thursday afternoon we invited our Grandparents in to share some stories with us and today we had a dress up day.  You could dress up as your favourite book character.  
We really enjoyed Book Week.  Gill sold lots of books which means she can buy some more for our library!

Have a look at our dress ups!  Can you see Miss Macdonald dressing up as Little Red Riding Hood?

A lovely Princess Leah!

Look who Princess Leah found!  Her Father!

Thursday, 7 August 2008

Pirate songs!

We were on assembly last week and we decided to sing our Pirate Song.  We made hats out of newspaper and sang very well!
Do you think we look fierce?

Friday, 1 August 2008


We have been learning about narrative writing.

These stories have characters (who), settings (where), a beginning, a middle (where a problem might happen) and and end (where the problem gets fixed).

We used Kidpix to create some pictures to help us plan out our stories.  Here are a few of them.

The mermaid and the witch.
By Lynley

The mermaid and the witch are under the sea.

The witch made a spell of 7 bits of fire so she can get the treasure.

The wizard comes and does a spell to get the treasure back from the witch.

The bridge
by Bethany
There were some people walking on the bridge.

They didn't see that there was a snake behind them.

A knight came to save them.  He killed the snake.  The people said thank you to the knight.

The Alien.
by Courage
The alien was on his planet up in space.

The fireball was going to explode the alien.

The spaceman saved the alien.  He takes the alien up in his spaceship.  The fireball misses the alien.