Wednesday, 22 August 2007

Gorgeous Groups

We thought we should have a think about what a groups who works well together looks like, feels like and sounds like.

So we did a y chart!

This is what we came up with...

The next day we needed to do some group work when we went on our "Great Worm Farm Information Hunt".

Afterwards we talked about how we thought our groups went and why. Here are some of our thoughts and photos to show what we were doing!

Jonathan thought his group worked well because they were sharing their ideas.

Jeannie though her group was imbetween because they were having a fight over a pen but then they forgot about it and got on with thier work!

Ryan thought his group worked well because they didn't argue about who should be doing what job at the start.

Abbey thought her group worked well because everyone helped spell the words.

Nathaniel thought his group worked well becasue they all listened to the reader.

Courtney thought her group worked well because they all talked one at a time.

Andrew didn't think his group worked so well becasue they didn't listen to the reader.


Dillon-Roberts said...

I am impressed with your work on 'groups' Room 3. It takes a lot of hard work and skill to be a part of a group that gets things done. Good luck with this. I am looking forward to hearing about your progress.

Anonymous said...

You all look like you get along so well in your group work. I used to love group work when I was at school. My favourite part was writing it all down. We had to think of a name for our group as well. Have fun :o)))

Annette H Little said...

Dear Room 3

I really enjoyed listening to your poems, I love your blog site. I was sorry Miss Little had not read out a poem about her mother.

Annette H Little

Dianne W said...


Great blog, enjoyed looking at all the group stuff. Dianne (Alex's mum)

Anonymous said...

dear room3

i looked at the map. there were some new dots.when
we get 1000 visits we will have a party .love
from jeannie.

Anonymous said...

How long did you work on the group work ?- Mikayla
was it a new way to work in groups? - Nathan

Anna said...

To Mikayla, we worked in the groups for a bout 7 minutes and to Nathan yes, we are learning to work in groups well together - it is new for us!
Where are you from?
Room 3