My Dad is kind to me. My Dad loves me best, I like my Dad best too. But the best thing about my Dad is HE'S COOL, because he's just normal.

My Dad is silly when he pretends to bash his head against the wall. I love my Dad he's cool. I like going to work with him, he lets me get coke.

My Dad annoys me when he tickles me. My Dad is cool when he plays rugby, he always wins.

My Dad reads stories to me and my Grandad makes me noodles.

My Dad takes me to the park every day. He lives in Motueka.

I like my Dad because he takes me to places like The Warehouse.

My Dad loves me because I help him to do his paperwork.

I like going in the car with my Dad. I love my Dad. He's got a cool car.

My Dad is happy when I go to the kitchen to get fruit.

I love my Dad, he lets me sit in his car.

My Dad is cool because he loves me. I go on his motorbike but his bike is for sale. I can still ride my bike.

I like my Dad because when Mum is away he can take care of me!
I like my Dad because sometimes in the weekend we go to the pool. We go round the river. It is fun. When we sit at the table Mum and Dad talk and talk and talk.
Hello Room 3. I think there are some very lucky Dads out there to have such cool and loving kids like you. Keep up the good work as I enjoy reading your blog. Nice to know I am "NORMAL & COOL"!!!!
Jason (Ryan's Dad)
hi bradford three.Your poems about your dads were great.ibet they enjoyed reading them.We are going to australia on monday to see a new dad,ryans uncle mark has a new little baby boy,so it will be his first fathers day.Ihope that when little Dustin is at school his class has a blog like yours.Ryans Grandma and grandad.
You are special, and we are all special, mums too.
Love the BLOG Rm 3 awsome work.
Well done.
Kerry & Sarah.( Andrew's mum & dad)
It was wonderful to read everybodies comments about their dads. I hope you all got to talk to your dads on Father's Day and tell them how good they are - (they really like that sort of thing). Dianne
We likme your stories. They look cute and they are awesome. We might put some stories on our page too. Great idea.
From Room 2
hi room 3 my name is regan and ethan it is the two boys from room 3
it is Ethan on the blog . I see the rubbish pictures.
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